Ian Parry - Asylum Seekers

Asylum Seekers

[Spoken part:]
Vervolging van anderen en een obsessieve drang om
Machtiger te zijn dan de rest, heeft mens tegen mens opgezet.
Persecution of others and an obsessive need to be mightier than the rest,
Has turned man against man.

Speculation and rumours spread anxiety
Contamination, in the foodchain leads to uncertainty

The worlds media, ignoring plea's
Help feed hysteria

Extreme behaviour, isn't tolerated anymore
The human race is changing, asylum seekers one and all

Man can't live with man
Nor in the proximity of one another

Asylum seekers [Backing vocals]
Frightened children, they're on their own
Asylum seekers [Backing vocals]
Untamed animals leave well alone
They are asylum seekers [Backing vocals]
Under lock and key for their own protection
Asylum seekers [Backing vocals]
Desperately trying to find their way back home

Reality T.V. dominates the media
Sending messages, nonsensical to every home
Violence is acceptable, a global sport for one and all
The eventuality, the human race are forever
Victims of this man-made mass hysteria